Monday, November 21, 2011

04. Sense of Place (Introduction)

In Project 04: Sense Of Place, we are given the task to identify a suitable location to place the outcome of Project of Project 03 on any particular site on any particular site on USM Main Campus. We need to get site information to be analyzed. The information must be cover every environmental aspects of the site like location, topography, prevailing wind direction, sun path and site potential.

We have to generate an A4-size report that provides information related to the selected sites. The report shall contain the Key Plan, Location Plan and Site Plan, as well as other relevant data that can provide complete information on the selected site.

For the Plan of USM, we found in 2 place: Development Department of USM and IT lab of Housing, Building and Planning School. Most of us face some problem of the size of plan. The size of the plan is too large and we have to zoom into A3 size.

Most of the Information, I search for internet. Beside that, we had to visit to our site and observe around the site. Meanwhile, we also have to take some photo for evidence of report.

In this project, I have to draw the site plan and the section elevation of my site. Many measurement have to be made to made diagram more clear. At the end of the project, I learned the basic knowledge of preparing a report for a particular project site. Aspect of technical drawing and writing are exposed by me in this project.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

EnD of the sem 2

Actually Sem 2 is quite impressive, since we had to divide into design studio and non design studio, some of the friend we can not encounter them frequenly, but anyway, it is the cruelty of the life~~

Anyway, I will be the the ppsl in 2nd year, I will try my best to help these new student!! Unilife, fighting for it!!!

Project 07: Designer's room

Don't ask me why I am choosing this title as my room's theme.

May be I am desired someone come to love me. Ha! ha! just kidding~~

First, I hope my room can feel the power of love, in the room we can relax our mind and found back the feeling of love before...

Do you still remember your first love, is it sour until u dare to think back?

Or is it sweet until you dream it every day?

To start a relationship, we have to be brave and shout out: " Can you be my girlfriend??"

Yes, I admit at here, sometimes, I am too shy and do not know how to start a relationship, may be I just do not want to get hurt.

In this room, I try to find back the feeling of my 1st love... breathing on it... yeah~~ so good...

Monday, April 4, 2011

studio trip 3

Putrajaya, our destination on Third day, a wide place and the building were modern enough. Our government looked like to spend money at this way. The last day already, everyone just looked dont want to go beck~~

The modern building!!


The gatehouse~~

The landmark at here~~mosque, forget its name~~paiseh!!

We visit inside the mosque!! Big!!

The non-malay female had to wear the raincoat since they haven tudung~~
Like the scene in Harry Potter~~

Sunday, April 3, 2011

studio trip 2

The second day, we had to go rumah buluh. A good experience, but i was become moody because something happened. Anyway, just let it stored in the box of memory. The rumah buluh was quite big, all the furniture were made by rotan. I would like it more if its washroom got improved.

Tired and lazy to move~~

Salah jalan lah~~ this way baru betul!!!

The furniture, dont look down to it. It costs few thousand ringgit!!

The talk which held in the hot place~~

Jonathan was excited when he knew he would go to waterfall~~

Quite disappointed, the waterfall is too small~~

Saturday, April 2, 2011

studio trip 1

In the morning, we arrived KLCC- a tower used to be the tallest tower in the world. Actually, I came here frequently before, the huge book fair always held at here. But it is the first time i stand on the skybridge of KLCC.

You can see the price of the food, beautiful...

The scenery from skybridge...

That skinny guy (my roommate) requested me to help him take photo.

The KLCC tower.

In the afternoon, we took the lunch in a very high class restaurant. The atmosphere is quite good but the price ho~ ho~ so uncomfortable to see it~~

WOW!! really like it!!

The potato wedge, thanks Mac!!

Then, we go to IKEA to see the furniture. We have to choose it for our Project 7. The place is so big, like a maze~~ We all almost sesat inside~~ I wonder should we bring the compass next time~~

So big~~

The light... which is very beautiful!! I want to buy it!!!

At the night, we went to I-city in Shah Alam. The light at there is amazing~~But no one want to accompany to go to the snowhouse...(T.T)

I am most satisfied with this photo~~ it reflect the step of my life~~

people mountain people sea~~

Who can win this for me???

The yellow duck made me think back the childhood time~~

The biggest Christmas tree i had ever seen before~~

Snow house~~ One person RM35, no 1 want to accompany with me~~ sad!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Studio Trip to Putrajaya

Today, we will have a journey to Putrajaya, it is hard to describe my feeling.

I am suffering for a long time to rush my assignment. Haiz~~ Before that, I thought i have enough time to rest for recover from some sleepless day.....

RMK252 and REG 162 assignment, they are so bad, made me despair~~

Overall, every thing will be ok right??

This semester is going to end, still hestitate about my future....exam is coming soon, dont be so lazy~~ Chin Teck, you can do it, trust yourself!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Project 06: Designer's house

Wavalow, it is the name of my bungalow,the combination of wave and bungalow.

The main concept of this project is wave, I do not want my building to be too rigid, but can observe the graceful flow of building .

Overall, we can see the floor plan of the building is looked like an object floating on the wave.

The room inside the building had strange shape, I already try my best to adjust the space, I hope it is comfortable for the human activity.

When this idea appeared in my mind, i do not know how to draw it, the shape is rare, the perspective, elevation also make me headache for a long time.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Project 05: Apex Community

No one can be denied, the project 5 was quite torturing, but the interaction between the group member was impressed me. The output of the group is very nice, I feel it personally.

We had to plan the arrangement of the house and UBBL. Thanks Foong, you play the role as leader very well, I appreciated it at here.





Monday, February 21, 2011

Project o4: Sense of Place ( Design on the Site)

What am I going to build in my site is Monster Motel which was designed last project before. I really like it, and decide to build a Monster Village in my site. Let me explain the concept of Monster Village.

Around Lake Aman, I planned to Build my Monster Motel in several units, as to attract the tourist to rest and relax at there. In the middle of the lake, I plant to build 2 activity hall, the people are have some event in activity hall.

Beside that, I also change some topography of my site. The purpose is to let the people more comfort when walk around the Lake Aman. Some facility also added For the convinience of the people. A large toilet are going to build beside the lake because the the toilet is not enough for the people for current status. The toilet of KRU building is always locked and dirty. The distance is also too long from Lake Aman.

My Monster Motel

For the monster motel, I modify a bit, to make it more spheric. The purpose is to calculate the area more easily.For the area, we can calcula

te by the formla of area of circle, the radius of the Monster Motel is around 4.2m. The calculation is shown by below:

A= π × 4.2m × 4.2m


The next pages will show you the arrangment of Monster Motel on the site:

Project o4: Sense of Place ( Circulation)

In the field of architecture, circulation refers to the way people move through and interact with a building.In public buildings, circulation is of high importance; for example, in buildings such as museums, it is key to have a floor plan that allows continuous movement while minimizing the necessity to retrace one's steps, allowing a visitor to see each work in a sequential, natural fashion. Structures such as elevators, escalators, and staircases are often referred to as circulation elements, as they are positioned and designed to optimize the flow of people through a building.

In design, the circulation of the building can be showed as below:

Beside that, The circulation also include the circulation of water in the lake Aman. The drainage system of the lake showed as the next pages: