Monday, February 21, 2011

Project o4: Sense of Place ( Facilities and Building Around Lake Aman)

Around the Lake Aman, we can see the GYM, bridge, pavement, and lamp. All of them are so important to provide the convinience to the student in USM. Every evening, many student choose to jog or ride bicycle around the park. Of course, many young teenager like to use the facilities in the lake. Beside the the lake, we can see a house, which store the bicycle and canoe. Students are allowed to rent these facilities by using their metric card.



Lamp around Lake Aman

Flying Fox and Look up Tower

Jogging Track

KRU building for bycycles and canoes.


Beside that, some signboard also can be found around the lake, which are “food and drinks are prohibited”, “not allow to swim at here”, “no angling” and “cycling through life”.

However,I still can observe some of the student break the rule. Some of the package of food are thrown around the lake and blocked the drainage system. Even some of them destroy the facility around the lake. Sometimes, it cause the water level is increase and flooding.

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