Monday, February 21, 2011

Project o4: Sense of Place (Biodiversity)

We can see so many plants, animal and insect around the lake, they are so cute and indicated the situation of Lake Harapan which are not polluted yet. They are playing the vital role in the whole food chain around the Lake Aman.

The plants around the Lake Aman process the photosynthesis and provide the fresh air to the human and the animal. Some of the plant is tall enough and block all the direct sunlight, and it provide some shady place for student to rest. Temperature around the lake just can be controlled.Below showed some trees around the lake:

However, we also can observe some animal around the Lake Aman. They are important to each other with their connection. The lake is known for its quality marine life. The fish in the lake is the delicious food for lizard and the kingfisher. Each time when it overflows during the rainy season, fish are found in the monsoon drain in and round campus. For many, this is a time for a good catch.

Some of the people do not consider the animal in the lake and throw rubbish around it. The lizards had to look for food in the lake. This situation cause the amount of the lizard increase and out of control. Even some of the lizard had audacity to run after female passer-by.

Some insect also can be found around the lake also play their important role. For example, bee and the bee are the good flower pollinator. Without them, the plants cannot regenerate. Beside that, ant also be the recyclers, it eat the dead insect and animal. Sometimes, ants are essential to recycle dead tree. But, some pest like fly and mosquitor also spread some diseases and make the environment uncomfortable.

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